Carcinoma Vagina
Malignant cells grow in the vagina in such cancer. Such a disease may take its inception due to aging. Another hue for this disease may be the exposure to drug diethylstilbestrol before birth. The other symptoms include pain or abnormal vaginal bleeding.
The diagnosis part of the disease by the best gynae oncologist will conform to two basic types including Physical Exam and consultation followed by Pelvis Examination. The physical tests will aim to check general signs of health. This includes checking for signs of disease, such as lumps or anything that seem unusual. Past health habits and history of past illness are treated as best additional input.
Clinical test includes test of vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and rectum. Vagina is tested by inserting a speculum into the vagina. Signs of disease are apparent thus. Pap test of the cervix also help to indicate the severity and stage of the disease.
Surgical Treatment
Surgery is most frequently used in the vaginal cancer treatment. The doctor will opt for any one of the following, depending on stage of presentation.
- Surgery is wide local excision along with primary closure or advancement of flap along with lymphnode dissection both inguinal and/or with pelvic node dissection. It is advised to go to centers with frozen section for more superior and accurate intraoperative decision making and management.
- Advanced stages require Radiation and chemotherapy.

Oncology is an ever evolving field of medicine and is matter of research and development. The author per say does not claim the following to be guidelines of practice in oncology. These are part of patient awareness initiative by Dr. Suvadip Chakrabarti MCh (Surgical Oncology), cancer doctor in Kolkata to educate people at large of various options in Oncology. It should not be taken to be practice guidelines.