Throat Cancer Surgeon in Kolkata

Dr. Suvadip Chakrabarti

Throat Cancer

What is Throat Cancer?

Throat cancer is a term for cancer that develops in the throat (pharynx) or voice box (larynx). The throat is a muscular tube starting behind the nose and ending in the neck. Most throat cancers originate in the flat cells lining the throat’s interior.

Types of Throat Cancer

  • Nasopharyngeal Cancer
  • Hypopharyngeal Cancer
  • Oropharyngeal Cancer
  • Glottic Cancer
  • Supraglottic Cancer
  • Subglottic Cancer

Symptoms of Throat Cancer

Throat cancer first-stage symptoms can differ from person to person. It’s essential to consult a doctor and get evaluated for throat cancer if you experience any of the following signs:
Persistent sore throat:

A sore throat that doesn’t go away after a couple of weeks.


Changes in your voice, like hoarseness or difficulty speaking clearly.

Difficulty swallowing:

Pain or discomfort when swallowing food or liquids.

Ear pain:

A persistent ache in one or both ears.

Lump in the neck:

A noticeable lump or swelling in the neck area.

Unexplained weight loss:

Losing weight without trying.

Coughing up blood

Coughing up blood or mucus that contains blood.

Causes of Throat Cancer

Factors that can increase your throat cancer risk are as follows.

Primary Factors

Tobacco use

Tobacco use

Smoking cigarettes is a major contributor to throat cancer.


Excessive alcohol consumption

Drinking large amounts of alcohol regularly increases the risk.


Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

Certain types of HPV, particularly HPV 16 and 18, are linked to throat cancer.

Other Throat Cancer Reasons



A diet low in fruits and vegetables can increase risk.


Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Chronic acid reflux can irritate the throat.


Exposure to certain chemicals

Occupational exposure to substances like asbestos, nickel, or sulfuric acid can be a factor.

immune system

Weakened immune system

People with HIV or those undergoing organ transplants are at higher risk.

Feel Free To Contact Us

    The Stages of Throat Cancer

    Generally, throat cancer is staged from 0 to IV. Learn more regarding them below:

    Stage 0: Abnormal cells are present but haven’t invaded deeper tissues.
    Stage I: A small tumour is present, without spreading to lymph nodes.
    Stage II: A larger tumour, possibly with spread to nearby tissues.
    Stage III: Tumour has grown larger or spread to lymph nodes.
    Stage IV: Cancer has spread to distant parts of the body.

    A higher stage of cancer signifies a more advanced state of the disease.

    Treatments of Throat Cancer

    Common treatment options for throat cancer include:


    Throat cancer surgery involves the following:

    Removal of the tumour

    For smaller tumours, surgery may be used to completely remove the cancerous tissue.


    This involves removing the entire larynx (voice box), often necessary for advanced laryngeal cancer.


    This throat cancer operation involves removing part of the pharynx.

    If you are suffering from throat cancer, contact us for any medical attention or surgery-related queries. We prefer treating patients with robotic cancer surgery procedures over traditional methods for higher accuracy, quicker recovery, and lesser hospitalisation duration.

    How to Prevent Throat Cancer?

    Adopting the following healthy lifestyle choices can help you prevent the risk of throat cancer.

    Quit smoking:

    By quitting smoking, you can effectively reduce your risk of developing throat cancer.

    Limit alcohol consumption:

    Avoid excess consumption of alcohol as it can increase your chances of getting throat cancer.

    Maintain a healthy diet:

    Consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables can help protect against cancer.

    Get vaccinated:

    The HPV vaccine can protect against certain types of throat cancer linked to HPV.

    Regular dental check-ups:

    Good oral hygiene can help detect early signs of potential issues.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. Can throat cancer be cured?
    The possibility of a cure depends on the stage of the cancer at diagnosis and the response to treatment. Throat cancer can be cured with early diagnosis and treatment.
    2. What is the role of surgery in throat cancer treatment?
    Surgery may be used to remove the tumour or a portion of the throat. In some cases, particularly in larynx cancer surgery, the entire larynx (voice box) may need to be removed.
    3. How does throat cancer affect daily life?
    Throat cancer and its treatment can significantly impact daily life, affecting eating, speaking, and social interactions.
    4. Can HPV cause throat cancer?
    Yes, certain types of HPV, particularly HPV 16 and 18, are linked to throat cancer.
    5. Who is at risk for throat cancer?
    People who smoke, drink heavily, or have HPV are at higher risk. Older adults are also more likely to develop throat cancer.