An online database providing estimates of incidence and mortality for 36 types of cancer in 185 countries and for a combination of all cancer sites is GLOBOCAN 2018. You can get the data, which is a part of IARC’s Global Cancer Observatory, online at Cancer Today. To help produce maps and explore visualizations, the data is available online at Cancer Today. In CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, an analysis of these results was published on 12th September, which highlights the large geographical diversity in cancer occurrence and the variations regarding the profile and magnitude of the disease within and between world regions. A number of methods were used to develop GLOBOCAN 2018. These methods were dependent on the availability and accuracy of the data from various sources including cancer specialists. Where there was possible, national sources were used and local data and statistical modeling were used in their absence.
New Global Cancer Data: GLOBOCAN 2018
It is suggested by new global cancer data that the global cancer burden has risen to 18.1 million cases and 9.6 million cancer deaths. It is estimated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that cancer will develop in one among five men and one among eleven women. From this disease, one among eight men and one among eleven women will die. This increase is due to a number of factors such as a growing and aging global population and increased exposure to cancer risk factors linked to economic and social development. It has been found that there is a shift from poverty or infection-related cancers to lifestyle-related cancers in rapidly growing economies.
There is an overall increase in the total number of cancer cases in all countries. Among the new cancer cases, nearly half is found in Asia and also more than half of cancer deaths. Due to the higher frequency of cancer types associated with poor prognosis, along with limited access to timely diagnosis and treatment by oncologists, IARC suggests this trend is prevalent. It is suggested by 2018 data that in comparison to countries with low or medium Human Development Index (HDI), those with high HDI have 2-3 times higher cancer incidence. In comparison to 2012 data, the leading cancers globally have also changed.
Facts In India
According to GLOBOCAN 2018, in India, cases of cancer have increased a lot and so is the need for proper cancer treatment. There are four priority cancers namely breast cancer, cervical cancer, oral cancer, and lung cancer constituting almost 41% of the total cancer cases. Among the top three cancers, one is lip and oral cavity cancer. In men, it is number one among all cancers and in women, it is number three among all cancers. In terms of occurrence and deaths, breast cancer is now considered the most common among Indian women. Among those patients having breast cancer, approximately 60 percent is diagnosed in advanced stages. Breast, cervical, oral cavity, lung and colorectal cancers are the five most frequent cancers in Indian men and women. However, if there are early diagnosis and proper treatment, most cancers can be cured.